Memories of Pangbourne (Berkshire) in the 1950s

An outing of Pangbourne Youth Club to, I think, Oxford - probably in July 1955

by Doug Glading.


1. ??
2. Gytha Chamberlain
3. ??
4. Malcolm Harrison
5. Margaret Sass
6. Jean Barnard
7. Jean Sass
8. Ann Crane
9. Jackie Jones
10. Ann Medway
11. Wendy Bishop
12. Colin Terry
13. Ray Turner 14.
15. Ann Hutchings ?
16. Jon Riches
17. Mona Hunt (leader)
18. Eileen Martin
19. ??
20. Mary Pegram
21. Myrtle Hearn
22. Dawn Brown
23. Adrienne Wright
24. Ann Tanner
25. Doug Glading
26. Brian Sharp
27. Rodney Molyneaux
    corrections and additional information most welcome!!

see also Pangbourne1940s page..

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Pangbourne Memories pages originally 'on the web' January 2010
This page most recent revision: 12 Nov 2012      
© Doug Glading .....
 ...his mark